Frequently asked questions

Can I hire your hall? – Unfortunately we do not have the facility to hire out our hall at present to those outside our immediate acquaintance.  In addition, please note we do not hire on a regular basis.

Will you baptise my baby? – As Baptists we believe that baptism is for those who are capable of making a profession of faith.  We offer a service of thanksgiving and presentation for infants, and dedication of the parents to the task of bringing them up in the faith.

Frequently unasked questions…

… Because people don’t like to ask!  We have included here whatever questions we can think of that you might want to know prior to visiting us – if you have any others please do not hesitate to contact us.

Are children welcome in this church? – Definitely!  We run a Sunday club during the preaching of the sermon every week apart from the first week in the month; children from primary age upwards will find out about Bible stories, sing, do activities and craft.  If they choose to stay in the service, they are welcome to do so, or younger children are welcome to go out accompanied by their parents.  During their time in the church we do not mind if they wander around, make noise (within reason!) or try to interact with the congregation.

Will the church want my money? – We do take up a collection each week, to support the work of the church (we get no outside funding).  However no one is obliged to contribute and many members pay by direct debit so there is nothing unusual in passing the bag on without putting anything in it!

I’ve not been to a service before.  What do I have to do in church? – We are very relaxed.  Sit, stand, wander around… make yourself comfortable.  Many people like to stand for hymns but we don’t insist on it!  If you are a Christian and trust in Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, wherever you are from and whatever your journey of faith you are welcome to partake in communion. 

Is the church accessible? – The main front door is fully wheelchair accessible, the side door has a portable ramp for access if required.  The disabled toilet is large enough for easy wheelchair use.  We are working on our accessibility for those with hearing or visual difficulties and welcome any feedback or specific needs.  We have a number of people with dementia and learning disabilities in the church and again are happy to discuss specific needs if they arise.

Is the church inclusive? – We seek to offer a warm welcome to all, regardless of race, disability, gender or sexuality.  We hope you will find us a safe place.  However we are still in a process of discussion and discernment regarding our position on same-sex marriage.

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