Frequently asked questions Can I hire your hall? – Unfortunately we do not have the facility to hire out our hall at present to those outside our immediate acquaintance. In addition, please note we do not hire on a regular basis. Will you baptise my baby? – As Baptists we believe that baptism is for...
Author: Helen Harrigan (Helen Harrigan)
Lord of The Sabbath
We return today to the sermon series of some months ago now, as we journey through the gospel of Matthew. Today we explore, 'The Sabbath'.
Discipleship is concerned with following the way Jesus lived and taught, trying to be more like him in our relationship with others in and through the church. We bring all those together today and look at discipleship as a whole, not just Sunday mornings.
Tea Chat
Why not pop in to see us at the Church. Come and make new friends, or catch up with old ones Refreshments are free!
16th April 23 – The Parable of the Sower
We explore the parable of the sower in Matthew 13:1-23