
LBC High Rd, Langdon Hills, Basildon SS16 6EY, Basildon

We are excited to invite your children to join our Church Youth Group for children aged 8 years and over. This group provides a fun and safe environment for children to learn about God, develop friendships, and grow in their faith.

Bereavement Service

LBC High Rd, Langdon Hills, Basildon SS16 6EY, Basildon

We invite you to join us for a special Bereavement Service at LBC. This service provides a time for us to remember and honour those who have passed away, whether recently or not-so-recently.

Palm Sunday

LBC High Rd, Langdon Hills, Basildon SS16 6EY, Basildon

We are pleased to invite you to our upcoming Palm Sunday Worship Service at our UK Baptist Church, led by the Girls Brigade. This special service marks the start of Holy Week and provides an opportunity for us to reflect on Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem.

Church Members Meeting

LBC High Rd, Langdon Hills, Basildon SS16 6EY, Basildon

We invite Church Members to attend our upcoming Church Members Meeting at our UK Baptist Church. This meeting will provide an opportunity for us to come together as a church community to discuss important matters and make decisions that will impact our church's future.

Maundy Thursday (Zoom & Communion)


Join us for a special Maundy Thursday Worship service with LBC via Zoom. Maundy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with his disciples before his crucifixion. This service is a time to reflect on Jesus' sacrifice and to prepare our hearts for Easter Sunday.

Good Friday Service

LBC High Rd, Langdon Hills, Basildon SS16 6EY, Basildon

Join us for a solemn and reflective Good Friday worship service at LBC

As we gather on this day, we remember the ultimate sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross. Through music, prayer, and scripture, we will contemplate this day's significance and its impact on our lives.

Easter Sunday

LBC High Rd, Langdon Hills, Basildon SS16 6EY, Basildon

Celebrate the joy of Easter with us at our UK Baptist Church's Easter Sunday worship service!

We invite you to join us as we gather to celebrate Jesus Christ's resurrection. This special service will be filled with music, prayer, and scripture as we rejoice in the hope and new life that Easter brings.

Sunday Service

LBC High Rd, Langdon Hills, Basildon SS16 6EY, Basildon

Join us to worship God together in our Sunday service!

This week Helen will be bringing God's Word to us, speaking about Jesus' parables of the hidden treasure and the pearl in Matt 13:44-46.  This will be an all-age service so there will be no children's club.

Church Lunch

On the first Sunday of every month, the church holds a bring-and-share lunch, to which all are welcome.  There is usually a good selection of cold food (we are unable to cook anything on site at the moment) and you are welcome to bring something to add to this.  We enjoy the fellowship together and...

Sunday Service

LBC High Rd, Langdon Hills, Basildon SS16 6EY, Basildon

Join us to worship God together in our Sunday service!

This week Rene will be bringing God's Word to us, speaking about Jesus' parable of fishing net in Matt 13:47-58.  Children's club will be available during this service.